Jazz Disco Ring with Claudio Sessa and Luigi Martinale - JAZZMI



Saturday 08 October

Jazz Disco Ring with Claudio Sessa and Luigi Martinale


Jazz and the mind - JAZZMI Village @ Magnete




Via Adriano 107
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JAZZMI stages, as in a boxing match, the impressions of two very different listeners: one who does jazz, pianist Luigi Martinale; and one who analyses jazz, the historian Claudio Sessa.

From the first listen, jazz penetrates under the skin. As the words of one of its standards say, ‘I’ve got you under my skin’. But it is certainly not epidermal music, and its richness lies in its multidimensional nature. That is why every jazz listening is individual, and the comparison of opinions can be heated. JazzRing stages, as in a boxing match, the impressions of two very different listeners: one who does jazz, pianist Luigi Martinale; and one who judges jazz, historian Claudio Sessa. Offering the audience records and videos, they converse, even squabble, about two great aspects of jazz, a music that is both entertaining and thought-provoking, ‘of the gut’ and ‘of the head’, to be danced to and meditated on.

Free admission with required booking at THIS LINK.

In collaboration with Lacittàintorno.