Jazz Kids - Musical improvisation for children - JAZZMI



Saturday 19 October

Jazz Kids – Musical improvisation for children




Cascina Nascosta
Viale E. Alemagna 14
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Improvisation workshop for musical children with Irina Ghivier, children’s educator, during which the communicative possibilities of music between basic concepts of sound and rhythm will be explored.

A music improvisation workshop is a place full of objects that express joy and creativity. The one-and-a-half hour workshop will be held by Irina Ghivier, a graduate of the Milan Conservatory and now a children’s educator. Musical improvisation for children is closely linked to emotion and its expression. In this case it will be about exploring the communicative possibilities of music. In the first part of the workshop we will work on the basic concepts of sound and rhythm. In the second part the children together with the coordinator will create a small musical ensemble. Ages 3 to 9.

ACCESS CONDITIONS Admission 15€ For more information: cascinanascosta.org